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Intelligence, IQ Tests, Cognitive Science and Creativity

Inteligência e QI

Historical Summary on Intelligence Tests

historical context


Historical Summary on Intelligence Tests

historical context

Explosão abstrata de cristais

Historical Summary on Intelligence Tests

historical context

Image by Markus Spiske

Historical Summary on Intelligence Tests

historical context


News stories are often published about people with IQs higher than Einstein's, including some children 10 years old and younger. Are these news true?



QIs das 1000 pessoas mais inteligentes da História e das 100 pessoas mais inteligentes vivas

31 de março de 2022


Historical Summary on Intelligence Tests

historical context

Verificações do cérebro

Historical Summary on Intelligence Tests

historical context

Imagem do WhatsApp de 2024-05-19 à(s) 19.50.00_398170a8.jpg

Historical Summary on Intelligence Tests

historical context


Intercontinental High-I.Q. Forum

Por Tamara Rodrigues


Brazilians and Portuguese members of the most selective high IQ societies in the world

a brief report


Análise de 27 erros em vídeo didático da NASA

07 de maio de 2022

DALL·E 2024-08-01 18.55.47 - A wide horizontal image depicting the theme of intelligence t

Historical Summary on Intelligence Tests

historical context

Image by Felix Mittermeier

Historical Summary on Intelligence Tests

historical context

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Historical Summary on Intelligence Tests

historical context


A ratio scale for cognitive tests

Based on the 2003 Sigma Test standard

Statue of justice.jpg

Freedom and Rights

March 27, 2015. (update October 3, 2018)


Resumo Histórico sobre Testes de Inteligência

Contextualização histórica



Chess the 2022 best players in history

Two new rating systems

Capa_Xadrez_Rating_Impresso (2).png

Chess the 2022 best players in history

Two new rating systems


IMCH - Mathematical analysis of errors in the BMI formula

Meet the new IMCH and understand why the traditional formula produces incorrect diagnoses that harm 394 MILLION PEOPLE

Science, Philosophy, Statistics, Education and other topics


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Fata Morgana, myths and facts about this fantastic phenomenon.

November 06, 2021

fata morgana2-gigapixel-scale-4_00x.png

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Fata Morgana, mitos e fatos sobre esse fantástico fenômeno.

06 de novembro de 2021


IMCH - Mathematical analysis of errors in the BMI formula

August 18, 2021


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Dinosaurs on Venus? 
an unbiased review

19  of September  from 2020


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Lunar analemma

July 9th  from 2020


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Alpha Centauri C

April 5, 2020

WhatsApp Image 2020-01-02 at

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Betelgeuse explosion

January 03, 2020


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New proposed solution to the Olbers Paradox

August 20th  from 2019

WhatsApp Image 2019-04-15 at

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Analysis of the article by Dr. Alex Filippenko on the image of the massive object in the central region of M87

15  Of april  from 2019

WhatsApp Image 2019-04-06 at

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The truth about the first photo of  Black Hole

09  Of april  from 2019

Hand putting  voting ballot with shape o

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Signs of fraud in elections

October 07, 2018

Businessman with red hero cape standing

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The greatest hero of the 20th and 21st century

March 14, 2018

Image by NASA

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Fata Morgana, myths and facts about this fantastic phenomenon.

November 06, 2021


A brief analysis of the real effectiveness of Conovac

January 15, 2021

WhatsApp Image 2019-04-10 at 17.26.02 (1

 1st "Photograph" of a Black Hole what was actually done

10  Of april  from 2019


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Records of the reduction of the south polar ice cap of Mars

18  July  from 2020


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Origin of the Great Red Spot

June 12, 2020


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Scientists find multidimensional universe in the brain

April 04, 2020


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Kasparov x Bolt

october 09  from 2019

Sun Eclips 2006 from Mt. Elbrus.jpg

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What was actually proved in Sobral, 1919?

May 31, 2019

Grandfather scientist with grandchild in

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Was Einstein right? And who else?

12  Of april  from 2019

Men business men are calculating their i

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Nature Article Analysis on Science and Statistics

22  of march  from 2019

Statue of justice.jpg

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Freedom and Rights

March 27, 2015. (update October 3, 2018)

Quantum computer technology concept. Man

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Elegant Universe - Position of an Electron

January 27, 2017

Image by NASA

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Revisão na estimativa de massa da estrela Earendel recém descoberta com o Hubble

01 de abril de 2022

Terra e espaço

What is the hottest planet in the Solar System?

July 3rd  from 2020


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How to choose a good telescope?

March 22, 2021


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Video Review "Full Story of Gravitation"

July 10  from 2020

WhatsApp Image 2020-04-17 at

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The Universe may not be expanding symmetrically

April 17, 2020


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Discovery of Uranus

March 13, 2020


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A scientific approach to fires in the Amazon

25  of August  from 2019

Earth at night was holding in human hand

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Astronomy, Fractals and Cognitive Addictions - Analysis of the article by Roberto de Andrade Martins

May 03, 2019


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sandstorm in france
The real cause of this phenomenon

September 27, 2021

World network connection concept. World

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Hans Rosling and his misconceptions

14th March  from 2019

Campo de futebol

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2018 World Cup, why are favorites rarely champions?

July 06, 2018

geometric abstract wave sound - red vect

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Gravitational waves – what was actually detected?

February 13, 2016

Melon - Commented Chess Games
November 21, 2018

Analysis of the interview with Marcelo Gleiser
December 27, 2015

Mário Cortella x Automation, lecture analysis

25  December, 2015

Mario Cortella  do you know who you are talking to? Lecture analysis
December 12, 2015

Elegant Universe – Why can't you see stars during the day? A review of Brian Greene's answer

February 13, 2015

Another sign of fraud in the 2014 elections?

1  November, 2014

Investments, Risk Management and related topics


REVISTA GRAFISTA ED 15 - Interview and column by Hindemburg Melão Jr.

August 30, 2020


The Myth of Cointegration

July 04, 2021


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The Fraud of the Century

a brief review of "The Big Short"

Chaves para o novo lugar

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"Investment" in real estate

One of the safest ways to lose money


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How much have you lost in opportunity cost?

What happens every time you don't make the best choice 

Business development to success and grow

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Best Funds in Brazil

How much is actually earned, a brief analysis


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Interview with Hindenburg Melão Jr.

Clarifying queries for potential customers


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Strategies with 99% of  hits

The importance  of the percentage of hits


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Actual earnings, nominal earnings, telescopes, pmpo and rms acoustic power

May 21, 2015

Red sports car on city streets, black an

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The Wagon and the Ferrari

December 10, 2015

Pessoa analisando gráficos na tela

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Identifying investment fraud

July 9, 2016

disappointed, sadness or stressed medium

Why do people lose with investments?

A surprising approach to a fundamental question

Teste de sangue

Corona Virus and Circuit Break

March 12, 2020


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April 04, 2020


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Turtle Race

Analysis of a typical error about the CDI

Close up of businessman throwing dice. G

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How to assess the risks of an investment?

Revolutionize your way of thinking about this topic


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9 years in a shameful activity

August 18, 2019


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Best Franchises in Brazil x  Use license  of Saturn

A Simple Comparison


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Open letter to CVM and IOSCO

Truth Behind Deliberation 701

Notas do dólar

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How We Earned $1 Million in 2 Hours

November 20, 2016

Ying Yang Balls, isolated on white backg

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November 13, 2015

Double exposure of graph and rows of coi

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What Makes a Good Business a Good Business?

October 1, 2014

shutterstock_1686019513 (2).png

An Analysis of the Impact of the Pandemic on the Financial Market

June 27, 2021


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Who gains from the stock market crash?

March 12, 2020


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CANTOR 3.12 - Platform of  optimization

Optimization of investment strategies taken to a new level

Businessman presenting financial analysi

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Saturno V ends 2018 with a profit of +55.20%

Brief comparison with other investments

Programming, computing and internet conc

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The Best Investment Platform

November 07, 2018


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investments  x Speculation

A new interpretation of old concepts

 Robot finger point to laptop button wit

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Intelligence  Artificial Intelligence and Automation of Investment Strategies

History of Automated Investments

Business people team holding award troph

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Another Saturno customer exceeds BRL 2,000,000.00

September 17, 2018


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Can chimpanzees outperform professional Wall Street managers?

January 1, 2015

Pile of ancient Byzantine copper coins w

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Prices in the Middle Ages

December 27, 2013

Businessman's hands  covering  piggy ban

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The illusion of direct treasure

April 9, 2016

Investments vs speculation (complete)

27  of September,  2018

Saturn V t 100g in 129 years of Dow Jones index

June 20,  2014

Saturn vt 100 has the highest coefficient of homogeneity

24  of May  2014

financial illiteracy

September 13th,  2010

Best investments for 2015 and beyond

April 22, 2015

How to calculate probabilities of success

october 08,  2016

Best investments between 01-01-2011  and 01-01-2016

January 25, 2016

Saturn V T-201

November 25, 2015

List of the 5 best investments for 2017

October 28, 2016

Best funds in Brazil in the last 20 years

August 27, 2015

Shark Tank Brasil show analysis, episode 16

September 19, 2017

What is the best methodology for investing?

December 5th,  2014

Comparative analysis of the best funds in the world
June 09, 2012

Why use automated systems?
September 16, 2010

Differences between the Saturn V and other automatic systems
May 13, 2009

What is a backtest?
April 29, 2009

Security and high profitability
November 07, 2008

Old articles on various topics

Lista de artigos antigos

List of articles from the old site

Image by ᴊᴀᴄʜʏᴍ ᴍɪᴄʜᴀʟ

Chess content list

Super Ajedrez Hispanoamericano, Sahovski, ChessBase Magazine, MegaDatabase.

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