​ Article about Transcendent Geniuses (02/05/2009)
Interview with Hindenburg Melão Jr. about chess (Update 04/14/2009)
Interview with Hindenburg Melão Jr. about IQ (07/04/2009)
Measuring the Moon's Mass with a Pendulum (Update 02/04/2009)
Quasi-satellite (external website - Creative Genius Society)
Kepler telescope in search of inhabited planets (update 03/04/2009)
Magic Championship in Japan (02/28/2009)
Comet Lulin, Saturn and the atmosphere (02/28/2009)
Interview with Hindenburg Melão Jr. (01/30/2009)
We will participate in a documentary on TV (Update 01/10/2009)
Launch of the book BMI on the Balance (11/30/2008)
NASA and ESA repeat the same mistake (Update 10/30/2008)
Alexandre Maluf is #1 in Hieroglyphics (4/10/2008)
Albert Frank is Belgian Chess Champion (4/10/2008)
Homogeneity coefficient in IQ tests (9/30/2008)
We will participate in a documentary on TV (07/31/2008)
Interview with Natasha Stransky (Bijuzinha from the soap opera) (06/14/2008)
Fractals and Complex Systems (update 05/24/2008)
Again the BMI revealing its weaknesses (update 05/24/2008)
Herbert William Guloveson (up 05/23/2008 - w/msg from Wagner de Paula)
Comet Boattini, visible in May and June (21/05/2008)
An example of misuse of mechanical systems (25/04/2008)
BMI accumulates more evidence of incorrectness in the traditional formula (04/17/2008)
Creative Genius Society – by Maria Faverio (05/11/2007)
Chess Match: Fier x Melon (updated 11/20/2006)
Interview with our member Nathan Haselbauer at Forbes (09/05/2006)
Special article about our associate Andréa Vidigal Bucci (21/08/2006)
Special article about H. Melão Jr. on the website "Chess in Atibaia" (01/15/2006)
Special article in the newspaper "O Atibaiense" about H. Melão Jr. (01/14/2006)
Special article on TV Vanguarda about Hindemburg Melão Jr. (12/31/2005)
Fantastic report on 100 years of IQ tests (12/18/2005)
International Women's Day (every day)
Update Sigma III, IV, V 07/01/2004
Update the new norm of the Sigma Test (137 tests) 02/01/2004
Sigma VI is inaugurated 12/31/2003
What is the true cut-off in the high IQ societies? 12/26/2003
Method to improve stellar parallax accuracy 12/13/2003
Death penalty 11/25/2003
Essay about quantum gravity 11/21/2003
mistakes and successes update 11/11/2003
Polish version of Sigma Test - PJ 09/19/2003
Dutch version of Sigma Test - Bart Lindekers 03/09/2003
Petri Widsten obtained his Ph.D. Summa Cum Laude in Chemistry from the University of Helsinki. update 08/21/2003
Dieter Wolfgang Matuschek and Reinhard Matuschka 21/08/2003
German version of Sigma Test - Christian Hohenstein 02/08/2003
Swedish version of Sigma Test - Muhamed Veletanlicupdate 02/08/2003
Sigma Test article and opinions - Christian Hohenstein, Muhamed Veletanlic, Wade Penman, Bart Lindekens update 02/08/2003
Petri Widsten won the X-Test contest 7/16/2003
Evangelos Katsioulis was approved in Giga Society and Mega Society 07/16/2003
Lloyd King's New Test X-Test update 07/16/2003
Friendly Societies Platinum Society, Ludomind Society, Ingenia, VINCI Society, Commune 07/16/2003
Sigma Test is accepted for admission into Veritas Society (IQ>160) 7/16/2003
Criteria for admission 07/16/2003
Lloyd King's New Book 07/16/2003
Isaac Asimov and His Faith in Science 08/24/2002
A brief essay on presidential elections in Brazil update 08/14/2002
Non-Verbal Cognitive Performance Examination - by Xavier Jouve 06/21/2002
Spatial Umblical Cord 06/14/2002
Machine Chomage (eng) - by Albert Frank 05/10/2002
unification theory 02/04/2002
Happiness - by Antenor Pelegrino Filho 04/03/2002
Monochrome - by David Udbjorg 02/02/2002
AN UNKNOW JEWEW - by Albert Frank 02/02/2002
Analysis of the FIDE World Championship 2001 12/10/2001
Sum of scores on IQ tests update 12/10/2001
Scientific treatise on Santa Claus 12/08/2001
Art Study of Santa Claus 12/08/2001
Super Chess Challenge - 12/01/2001
Christmas special text 11/25/2001
A little bird among the eagles (Best 10 Sahovski 80) 08/23/2001
Mecking - Zakowicz - by Rafael Zakowicz 08/13/2001
Chess Challenge - kill in 210 moves 29/07/2001 (update 06/08/2001 - 1st. right!)
Melon - Van Unen - Best 30 Sahovski 80 09/07/2001 (update 18/07/2001)
Cafe Paris - by Bruno Mario Alpi 04/07/2001
Best match of Zonal 2.4 - FIDE 06/29/2001
International contest (DOC / PDF) - by Albert Frank 06/20/2001
THE BRAIN OF A CHESPLAYER - by Albert Frank 06/20/2001
Genius A religious vision - by Rodrigo de Almeida 05/22/2001
Flynn Effect in Dr. cox 05/14/2001 update (07/07/2001)
Kasparov - Chapman 04/29/2001
FIBONACCI AND THE FROG - by Albert Frank 04/23/2001
A beautiful study of endgame chess 01/04/2001
TATONNER OR RAISONNER - by Albert Frank 03/26/2001
TO GROPE OR TO REASON - by Albert Frank 03/26/2001
Un jeu peu connu - by Albert Frank and Marc Heremans 12/14/2000
An efficient function - by Albert Frank 12/14/2000
Ontological Reflections 11/25/2000
New method for test standardization 11/22/2000
Inflated IQ tests? update 10/29/2000
Two thousand and none, an arm odyssey 10/19/2000
Chess and Aptitudes - by Albert Frank 10/10/2000
Einstein x Oppenheimer, Princeton, 1933 09/18/2000
Spam in Brazilian politics 07/25/2000
William Shakespeare - by Juçana Corrêa 01/07/2000
For my son - by Carlos Simões 06/28/2000
Portrait of Nietzsche - by Juçana Corrêa 06/23/2000
Magnificat - by Juçana Corrêa 06/17/2000
Email and letter templates 06/12/2000
Analysis - by Juçana Corrêa 06/10/2000
José - by Juçana Corrêa 06/07/2000
Drawing & Poetry - by Carlos Simões 06/06/2000
MP3 Songs - by Ricardo Gerber update 05/23/2001
About bullfighting - by Carlos Simões 05/18/2000
Brazil - 500 years 04/21/2000
Drawing & Poetry - by Juçana Corrêa 04/19/2000
Complaint about adulterated gasoline 06/04/2000
Investment articles: ​
Why invest in Forex? How not to lose and how to win? (1/10/2008)
Saturn 3.0 starts testing on 9/14/2008 - watch flash video (9/16/2008)
Power Point presentation on automatic systems (03/17/2008)
Myths and Facts about Forex (11/19/2007)
Saturn 3.02 and 3.0, plus preliminary results (Update 11/7/2008)
new testimonials (1/10/2008)
Depositions (update 06/25/2008)
What is the most recommended risk level for using the Saturn V? (13/06/2008)
Saturn V 2.6 breaks new record in 3 weeks: 5862% (29/05/2008)
How much is it really possible to earn on Forex? (update 03/05/2008)
How much is actually possible to earn using Saturno_V? (1/11/2008)
Luck x Competence in setting records (update 04/22/2008)
Watch a video of Melao_Tendencia_1.0 (4/1/2008)
Martingale, how to use and how not to use (1/3/2008)
Possible world record: +1041% in 4 days, 79 trades, 91% right (11/30/2007)
The fake Holy Grail: $510 million in 1 month (updated on 08/28/2007)
Is it possible to earn 2460% per year with automatic systems? (10/16/2006)
Saturn V 2.6, +281% in 14.5 hours (24/04/2008, 14:30h)
Saturn V 2.5f breaks new record +7742% (update 04/23/2008, 20:30h)
Saturn V 2.6 breaks Livermore record (update 04/18/2008, 14:45h)
Saturn V 2.5c doesn't break monthly record (28/03/2008)
Guinho_2008b in real time: +407% in 2 days (20/03/2008)
New world record: 3802% in 11 days (up 03/13/2008
New conditions to apply on Saturn (Update 10/25/2008)
Quotas and accounts: a new plan starting in November (10/25/2008)
Active shareholders - new quota plans (26/07/2008)
Shares of automated trading system Saturn V (update 06/19/2008)
Saturn V shares (10%, 1% and 0.1%) (update 06/16/2008)
How to participate in tests under promotional conditions?
Tests with Saturn 2.6 on real accounts (06/16/2008)
How to buy Saturn V?
Saturn V available for sale (25/05/2008)
Differences between back tests, demo and real live tests (09/01/2009)
Eduardo Both's article on Saturn V (7/11/2008)
Risk management facts and superstitions - parts 1 and 2 (Update 11/3/2008)
Problem with Sharpe Ratio (9/10/2008)
Simple concepts that perhaps many are unaware of (9/10/2008)
Prophecy about Apocalypse (6/10/2008)
History repeats itself on EURUSD (1/10/2008)
Saturn V 3.02 and cognitive addictions (27/9/2008 - update 22:30h)
Fractals and Complex Systems (update 05/24/2008)
Fibonacci Hypothesis (05/15/2008)
Errata on an article published in January (05/12/2008)
Free course on automatic systems (10/04/2008)
Gravitation and Investments (04/04/2008)
Asset with a 98% probability of going up (22/03/2008)
Course on automatic systems for investments (23/12/2007)
Interview with George Soros (in Portuguese) (8/12/2007)
Technical Analysis x Fundamental Analysis (11/26/2007)
Hurst coefficient in calculating price momentum (11/20/2007)
Leasing of automatic systems for Forex investments (08/19/2007)
Course: how to develop efficient automatic systems (12/17/2006)