001 T. (requested anonymity)
002 Hindenburg Melao Jr. ( more about him )
World record holder registered in the Guinness Book ( longest announced checkmate in blindfold simultaneous chess games ), author of Saturn V , some scientific innovations: Melao index (Risk Management) , IMCH (Biostatistics/Anthropometry) , Melao absolute rating (Statistics/Measure Theory) , first method to determine the IQ in ratio scale (Psychometrics/Statistics) , best solution for Shannon number up to 2015 (Combinatorial analysis) ) , Top-10 theoretical novelty in the Sahovski Informator 80 (Chess/Mnemonics) , author of extremely difficult intelligence tests (Cognitive Science/Psychometrics) and some more innovations in different scientific areas (Astrometry, Number Theory, N-dimensional Geometry, Econometrics, Psychometrics etc.) , founder of Sigma Society and segments , Unicorn High IQ Society, Platinum Society, honorary member of Pars Society and other high IQ Societies _
003 Iakovos Koukas ( more about him )
Highest IQ score among all adult IQ tests (215, σ=16 | 273, σ=24) , Global Genius Directory 2021 Award winner , Founder and CEO of Test My IQ and IQ GENIUS platforms , WGD Genius Of The Year (2015) Award Winner – Europe ; VEDIQ Guild Intellectual Leader Of The Year 2019 ; United Giga Society member ; Singularity High IQ Society member ; Funder-President of THIS High IQ Society , 4G High IQ Society , BRAIN High IQ Society , ELITE High IQ Society , 6N High IQ Society , NOUS High IQ Society , 6G High IQ Society , NOUS200 High IQ Society , GIFTED High IQ Network and GENIUS High IQ Network ;​ Author of extremely difficult High Range IQ Tests (VAST, VICE, GIFT, and GENE IQ test series) ; Author of Fiction Novels , Philosophical Essays, Poetry Collections , Scientific Papers, Intelligence and IQ Testing treatise, 2022 Wisdom of Athena Award Winner .
004 Joao Antonio Locks Justi ( more about him )
Author of an important novelty in homomorphic cryptography , Coordinator of the Cantor project for the optimization of investment strategies.
005 Eduardo C. da Costa ( more about him )
Former vice president of Mensa Brazil , member of Triple Nine Society, member of International Society for Philosophical Inquiry , member of Glia Society, member of Vertex Society , member of HELLIQ society, prospective member of GenerIQ Society , member of Platinum Society, Elite Member of 4G High IQ Society , Distinguish Ability Award on the Cerebrals International Questionnaire 2012.
006 YoungHoon Kim ( more about him )
Secretary-General of the United Sigma Intelligence Association (USIA) ; Steering Committee Member and Senior Global Strategy Advisor at the Complex Biological Systems Alliance ; Advisor of the Biotech/Medical Board at the Lifeboat Foundation ; Senior Advisor at the Smart Tips Consultants ; Senior Advisor at the Consortium Consultancy ; Senior Advisor at the Economic Forum for Sustainable Development ; Honorary Member of the International Longevity Alliance , Senior Advisor at a psychological counseling center in South Korea, Genius of The Year Award 2022 - Asia ; Honorary title of Fellowship of the Directory from the World Genius Directory; Funder-President of Singularity High IQ Society , Vice-President for Asia of NOUS High IQ Society , 6N High IQ Society , GIFTED High IQ Network, THIS High IQ Society , 4G High IQ Society , BRAIN High IQ Society , ELITE High IQ Society , Full member of NOUS200 High IQ Society , 6N High IQ Society , United Giga Society , Sidis Society , OlympIQ Society , Mega Society (lifetime member) and other high IQ Societies, member of the Advisory Council to the Tony Buzan's Brain Trust a registered charity ; South Korean Grader (voluntary arbiter) at the World Memory Championships and 1st Asia Memory Championships (2015); Senior Advisor at the World Memory Championships of Hong Kong and Korea Memory Sports Association , Global Strategy Officer at the IQ Olympiad .
007 Marios Prodromou ( more about him )
Genius of The Year Award 2017 - Europe , VEDIQ Guild Intellectual Leader Of The Year 2018, United Giga Society , Sidis Society , OlympIQ Society Prometheus Society , HellIQ Society , Epimetheus Society and other high IQ Societies, M.Sc. in Education .
008 Fengzhi Wu ( more about him )
The author of Mystery Intelligence Test , Founder and President of the God's Power Society and The Chosen One High IQ Society , member of Nano Society , EsoterIQ Society , 6G High IQ Society , United Giga Society , The Core High Society , The POINT Society , NOUS High IQ Society , Sidis Society and other high IQ societies, Ph.D. in Computer Science/Data Science (MIT) , black belt in Karate.
009 Jason Betts ( more about him )
Honorary Member of 6G High IQ Society , Member of Prometheus Society , HellIQ Society , author of several extremely difficult IQ tests, Genius of the Year 2013 - Oceania .
010 Tor Arne Jørgensen ( more about him )
Genius of The Year Award 2019-Europe ; Author and designer of toriqtests.com ; full member of esoteriqsociety.com ; Honorary member of nous200 high IQ Society ; Full member of 6N High IQ Society ; Full member of Satori high IQ Society ; Member of Triple4 High IQ Society ; Genius member of 4G High IQ Society ; Member of Global Genius Directory ; Member of Genius High IQ Network ; Full member of Synaptiq Society ; Honorary member of Sidis Society ; Member of HRIQ Rankings ; Elite member of Brain High IQ Society ; Member of Gifted High IQ Network ; Elite member of Elite High IQ Society ; Member of World Genius Directory ; Member of Venus High IQ Society ; Member of World Genius Registry and many other high IQ societies.
011 Marco Ripà ( more about him )
Genius of the Year 2014 - Europe , Published several new sequences on " The On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences (OEIS) ", general (constructive) solution of the 3x3x…x3 points problem in k-dimensions , discovery of the constant congruence speed of tetration providing its inverse and direct map, Member of 4G High IQ Society , Epimetheus Society and other high IQ Societies, Founder-President of the sPIqr Society .
012 Matthew Scillitani ( more about him )
Member of the CORE , ESOTERIQ and Giga Societies . First perfect scorer on Paul Cooijmans ' Psychometric Qrosswords .Featured in the book , The Giga Society Conversations (ch. 3: p. 47-72).Research interests include memory , free will/personal autonomy,photonics , ethics,and psychiatry .
013 Evangelos Katsioulis ( more about him )
Member of United Giga Society ,Giga Society, founder of World Intelligence Network, OlympIQ Societyand other high IQ societies
014 Jo Christopher M. Resquites ( more about him )
Master in Engineering;Licensed Agricultural and Biosystems Engineer; professional member at Philippine Society of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineers (PSABE);Author of Resquites Wide Range Test of Fluid Intelligence (RWRTFI), Resquites Universal Genius Test (RUGT),Resquites Universal Fluid Intelligence Test (RUFIT), Author of Poems;Author of a cosmological/cosmogonic theory;Founder of Advanced Civilizations Geniuses ;Member of EsoterIQ Society ,OLYMPIQ Society ,KSTHIQ Society ; Honorary member of Sidis Society , NOUS200 High IQ Society.
015 Mislav Predavec ( more about him )
Professor of Mathematics and Computer Science,founder of GenerIQ Society , Author of several extremely difficult high range IQ tests