The following information is presented about each member: ID, full name (with a link to those with a website), home country, satisfied admission criteria and, eventually, some additional comments.

א (requested anonymity)
Hindemburg Melão Jr. (Brazil, holder of world record in the Guinness Book 98 on longest announced checkmate in simultaneous blindfold chess, improvements in the works of 6 Nobel laureates, solutions to scientific and mathematical problems that had been open for centuries. Bio || short Bio || Sigma Test Extended)
Iakovos Koukas (Greece, founder of NOUS200, 6G High IQ Society and other ones, member of Singularity High IQ Society and United Giga Society)
Petri Widsten (Finland, Sigma Test highest score,, Ph.D. Summa Cum Laude in Chemistry at University of Helsinki, Best Ph.D. thesis in Finland in the biennium 2002—2003, champion and vice-champion in several International competitions of intelligence)