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The following information is presented about each member: ID, full name (with a link to those with a website), home country, satisfied admission criteria and, eventually, some additional comments.

Sigma Society
  • א (requested anonymity)

  • Hindemburg Melão Jr. (Brazil, holder of world record in the Guinness Book 98 on longest announced checkmate in simultaneous blindfold chess, improvements in the works of 6 Nobel laureates, solutions to scientific and mathematical problems that had been open for centuries. Bio || short Bio || Sigma Test Extended)

  • Iakovos Koukas (Greece, founder of NOUS200, 6G High IQ Society and other ones, member of Singularity High IQ Society and United Giga Society)

  • Petri Widsten (Finland, Sigma Test highest score,, Ph.D. Summa Cum Laude in Chemistry at University of Helsinki, Best Ph.D. thesis in Finland in the biennium 2002—2003, champion and vice-champion in several International competitions of intelligence)

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