The testimonials are divided into parts:
Fragments of book prefaces (to see the full prefaces, please click here )
Endorsements on Linkedin
Opinions about Saturn V
Sigma Test Opinions
Other testimonials, including a report in Empiricus magazine
Intelligence, IQ Tests, Cognitive Science and Creativity
“Hindemburg Melon Jr. is considered one of the most intelligent people in Brazil, he stands out for his incomparable capacity for logical reasoning and abstract thinking, in other words for his excellence in what is most evolved in human thought.” (testimony extracted from the preface of the book “IMC na Balança”)
Per Silésia Maria Veneroso Delphino Tosi , SP, specialist in intelligence tests, with a PhD in Neuropsychology from USP.
“Everything that is played by the intellectuals of Hindemburg Melão Jr. becomes a wealth of knowledge. Endowed with an incredible cognitive ability, which allowed him to become a profound connoisseur of various subjects, and a brilliant reasoning that enables him to challenge concepts and launch new ideas on these subjects. ”)
Per José Paulo do Prado Dieguez , RJ, Colonel of the Brazilian Army, Professor of Numerical Calculus and Structural Theory at the Military Institute of Engineering, author of university books on Mathematics and Engineering.
“Melon's solid knowledge in several areas such as logic, mathematics, statistics, physics, philosophy, heuristics, etc., combined with his exceptional intelligence, allow him to identify errors that specialists with long experience in the area do not notice, and to develop effective solutions to correct them. them.” (testimony extracted from the preface of the book “IMC na Balança”)
Per Eduardo André Both , RS, structural engineer, specialist in the construction of skyscrapers and Director of Engineering at Knijnik Engenharia.
“I read all the articles in the public and private area of the Saturno V and Sigma Society website (more than 1000 articles). The articles contain the best existing content on investments, artificial intelligence, finance, cognition, philosophy, among other topics, presenting several theoretical innovations in these areas. There is no intellectual in Brazil or in the world who produces content of depth and originality similar to the work of Melão Jr. In addition, Melon Jr. assumes the simultaneous position of innovator and disseminator of ideas – in science, researchers who make relevant innovations, such as Newton and Einstein, are rare; in the same way, those who manage to disseminate these ideas in a didactic and captivating way to the lay public are rare, often influencing lay people to stop being so, like Carl Sagan. Melon Jr. simultaneously assumes both roles in its articles, innovating and disseminating brilliantly in various areas. To appreciate this unique content, it is necessary that the interested party has the diligence to delve into the articles, try to understand them completely and accurately, exploring the nuances presented and frequently revisiting articles to appreciate them at an even deeper level as who acquires more knowledge.”
By João Antonio Locks Justi, polymath with a broad spectrum of activities in different areas and with remarkable results in all of them. Finalist in the Brazilian Mathematical Olympiad, specialist in Tax Law, author of innovations in Mathematics, Computer Science and other fields, including author of an important discovery in homomorphic cryptography that solves an important problem that has been open for years, in which several of the main experts in the field were working, author of new heuristics to accelerate genotype optimization, coordinator in the development of the Cantor platform. Entrepreneur and entrepreneur with an emphasis on technology companies.
Intelligence, IQ Tests, Cognitive Science and Creativity
“I know Hindemburg Melon Jr. since 2002, when I was contacted regarding the Sigma Society, of which he is a founder.
Since then, I have had the privilege of getting to know him better and, at the same time, of always being impressed by the scope of his genius, creativity, simplicity, integrity and his refined sense of humor.
Melon is a highly capable and creative polymath who is deeply dedicated and takes ownership of any subject that interests him.
His qualities make him capable of performing any high-level role or project he dedicates himself to with the maximum possible result.” (Testimony taken from LinkedIn)
Per Renato P. dos Santos , researcher and university professor, referee in several scientific journals (Journal of Physical Sciences, Journal of Virtual Worlds Research, Nupem and Acta Scientiae), has two post-docs in Artificial Intelligence, one in Germany and the other in Austria , doctoral student advisor, pioneer in Brazil in the development of automatic investment systems, since 2006, licensee of Saturno V.
“Melao is an extremely intelligent person – a true genius, he has extraordinary analytical skills – but above everything I know him as a gentle and very kind person, caring for his family & friends, firm in his believes, driven when it concerns his passions , chess and psychometry.” (testimonial extracted from LinkedIn)
Per Bart Lindekens , Belgium, is a member of Sigma IV, Platinum Society and other high IQ societies, has worked in risk management for over 15 years, holds an MBA from the University of Brussels.
“Since 2001, when I first met SigmaSociety, I've been impressed by Melon's mental capacity in everything from a more realistic body weight calculation to the distance to the farthest stars, his world records in chess and in recent years his commitment and results in the stock market. From everything he has developed to date, it is clear to me that his ability and commitment make him able to work in almost all areas of human knowledge.” (Testimony taken from LinkedIn)
Per Rogerio Penchel , SP, analyst/programmer at M. Shimizo, systems developer at Bravo Eletrônica, member at Sigma Society and at Mensa.
“Melon is a highly qualified person in all areas of interest to which he is dedicated. He is self-taught who dives seriously and deeply into the topics he researches, and so I could see him achieve impressive results. I took the IQ test he prepared, which is internationally recognized, and the variety of subjects covered is remarkable. Over the years, I've seen their efforts to create, manage and encourage groups and communities for general debate, both live and online. I would like to highlight your website 'Oracle', in which it is dedicated to answering, with a wide range of questions, related to mathematics, science and humanities. Although a written recommendation about Melão may seem, like this one, a bit general, I must point out that, due to its honesty and intelligence, it is in fact indicated to work in multiple activities, having already carried out expressive work in areas as diverse as Psychology, Finance, Physics and Chess.” (Testimony taken from LinkedIn)
Per Paulo Santoro , SP. In Antunes Filho's opinion, Paulo is one of the greatest Brazilian playwrights of all time (Interview with Antunes Filho about Paulo Santoro: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZkhutQl4Gfg ). Member of Platinum Society, three nominations for the Shell Award for Dramaturgy and Performing Arts, examiner in UNESP and Fuvest entrance exams, teacher in ANGLO and ETAPA pre-university courses, chess player and investor.
“Melao is a masterful, creative and profoundly intelligent person. He has many original projects in infinite fields that advance our today's current technology and possibilities. It is an honor to know him and work with him. Really motivating and inspiring.” (Testimony taken from LinkedIn)
by Irene Alexandra , United States/Spain, protagonist of the film Silent [ http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1032758/ ] and with participation in 5 other films. She is an honorary member of Creative Genius Society, president of CIVIQ Society, painter with works exhibited in New York and Tokyo, sculptor, writer, draughtsman, director, author, inventor...
“I have known Melao Hindemburg for many years, and can give him my best endorsements both as a collegue and a friend. I was fortunate working together with him in relation to a project assisting highly intelligent children in developing countries. Melao is one of the most brilliant minds I know.” (Testimony taken from LinkedIn)
by David Udbjørg , Denmark, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark, Director of Business Development at Emunio Aps, Architect at Johs. Moeller Architects, Director International at Cadpeople Aps/Pte, former CEO at House Architects (1995-2002), founder of CAILI, honorary member at Sigma Society, honorary member at Creative Genius Society.
by Barry Howard , United States, CFO / SVP of Finance, Human Resources and Administration at World Relief, former Executive Director at Mir International, former Vice President at YWAM Denver, Listed in Marquis Who's Who In America, member at Sigma Society, highest IQ ever recorded by current Psychology Department faculty at Denver University on WAIS-R Adult Intelligence Scale - May 1998.
“I know Melao for over eight years. He is a talent and kind professional with extraordinary mental and communication skills. Beyond all, he's always a dedicated partner and friend.” (Testimony taken from LinkedIn)
by Baran Yönter , Turkey, Manager and Business Development at Yol Makina Ltd., Executive Committee Member at World Intelligence Network, Founder and President at The Pars Society, Honorary member at Sigma Society and Creative Genius Society.
“Melao is one of the few people who are blessed with profoundly intelligent and highly creative minds. It is an honor to be acquainted with a genius like him. He will certainly be a great asset to any company or project in which he may be involved.” (Testimony taken from LinkedIn)
by Nileon Dimalaluan Jr. , Philippines, civil engineer, member of 12 international societies for people of high IQ, including ISI-S (IQ above 151), International Society for Philosophical Inquiry (IQ above 148) and Sigma Society. Third place in the “International Contest 20029 of Cerebrals Society”.
“I've been with my friend Hindemburg since the Sigma Society was formed, and his dedication to creating and always improving relevant knowledge was very clear, in addition to always seeking to learn even more. He is an extremely dedicated person and focused on what he sets out to do, which is always done with great care. His personality involves the qualities desired in a leader, namely: good teamwork, fairness and equity; united with a kind and endearing temperament.” (Testimony taken from LinkedIn)
Per Antenor Pelegrino Filho , SP, lawyer, Board of Directors at the Santa Casa de Misericórdia de Tupã, former vice-president at Sigma Society.
“I have the pleasure to know Hindemburg Melao Jr since 2002. I have always been surprised by his profound logical and creative thoughts. He is also a very comprehensive and a good person. He is a member of the most selective High IQ societies and is internationally recognized for his innovating work. By just seen his CV you can realize that you are in front of a universal genius.” (testimonial extracted from LinkedIn)
Per Fernando Sánchez , Spain, Writing and Professional Edition.
“Hindemburg Melon Jr. is an extremely capable person performing jobs that require detailed planning. He has a great strategic vision, not fixing himself on a single possible path. I recommend Melão to anyone who wants to obtain a final result without margins for imperfections, as I have already had the opportunity to work with him in activities that required great technique and intellectual ability and he has shown great expertise in dealing with different types of situations.” (Testimony taken from LinkedIn)
Per Rafael Zakowicz , SP, researcher at the Technological Research Institute of the State of São Paulo, PhD student in Electronic Engineering at the Polytechnic School of USP, two-time ITA Chess Champion.
Intelligence, IQ Tests, Cognitive Science and Creativity
“My interest in being a shareholder of Saturno V comes from my conviction of its triumph in the financial market and from my trust in its creator, for the reasons explained below:
1. The theoretical basis on which the development of the product is based – partially exposed in numerous articles available at Sigma – gives it great robustness, manifested by the highly positive and consistent results presented here (I cannot objectively evaluate the technical aspects, but the results – especially when compared to other tools – speak for themselves).
2. The system's robustness and consistency ensure the opportunity for real financial gain with relatively low risk, even under “adverse” conditions (the portfolio doubled amid the stock market crash), which will surely make the product attractive to large investors and financial institutions.
3. The Saturn V, unique of its kind, was conceived and is being continually improved by its creator, a brilliant polymath, skilled and suitable for this project. It is gratifying to bet on this initiative.
4. Conditioning participation as a shareholder on collaboration with charities was an honorable attitude.
5. As I am a beginner in the subject, I still see a unique opportunity for learning.” (fragment of message received via e-mail)
Per Wagner Diniz De Paula , DF, member of Sigma Society IV, multilingual, physician, specialist in radiology and diagnostic imaging techniques, speaker/lecturer.
“(...) today I finished reading the content of the Saturno V website. I am not a trader, but I have Robert Pardo's book in my hands at the moment. What I find interesting is that, on the website, Mr. presented, for the problems addressed in articles, solutions that were much more innovative and creative than those of one of the exponents in the area of system evaluation and optimization in the world (and my benchmark is high, as Pardo Capital is usually among the 5 first in the Barclay Hedge ranking - 10 years). This demonstrates how their work exceeds even the best expectations anyone could have for system quality and reliability. In addition, the idealism (helping people in need) and sincerity (not creating unrealistic expectations about income) in the articles on the site made me delighted with the project.” (fragment of message received via email)
Marcus Paulo da Silva Cardoso , DF, lawyer, worked at the Federal Audit Court and currently works at the Federal Senate.
“It is very impressive to follow the Saturn V on the demo accounts. Seeing performance summaries available periodically is nice, but it's the same difference between watching a football match on the radio or TV. And soon I'll be accompanying you from the cabin!” (fragment of message received via email)
Per Joel Fernando Jardim Martins , DF, electrical engineer with specialization in Neural Networks, Genetic Algorithms, Artificial Intelligence, author of works with emphasis on applications in the Financial Market.
“I am interested in buying a share in Saturno. (...) These resources are currently invested in the Sparta Cíclico fund, however the opportunity to be a Saturno shareholder seems to be much more promising than continuing my investment in Sparta!” (fragment of message received via email)
Per Rodrigo PG , from Santa Catarina, investor, entrepreneur, B.Sc. in Automation Engineering. Rodrigo is one of the most talented entrepreneurs and one of the most business-minded people I've ever met, and he will surely be one of the richest people in the world for decades to come. (At that time, the Sparta fund had been awarded as the best in the world in the triennium, with a performance above 1200% between 2006 and 2009).
“I would like to congratulate you on your work. I'm Control and Automation Engineer and I developed my final course project in the NYSE forecast area using Neural Networks. I have read some of your articles and they have been tremendously helpful! Big hug Thiago” (fragment of message received by email)
Per Thiago Rothen , PR, Control and Automation engineer from PUC-PR, member of Newton da Costa Jr.'s team, on the use of Neural Networks to model prices in the Financial Market, especially in the New York Stock Exchange. Newton da Costa (Mr.) is the creator of Paraconsistent Logics, considered one of the world's greatest specialists in Logic and one of the greatest mathematicians in Brazil.
“To justify my choice for the Saturno V as my primary investment, because I trust and attest to its success and the suitability of its creator, I need to go back a little and explain how I came to know Hindemburg Melão Jr., the Saturno V and a part of its trajectory so far.
Since 2001, when I started my career as a banker, I have had contact with several investment products offered to high-income companies and segments. They were products with a high minimum investment value and promised above-average profits. However, discounting inflation, profits were meager. The products that I had access to invest in, at most, followed inflation, after deducting fees, taxes and tariffs.
I had a colleague who invested in the Capital Markets and I became interested in the subject. In a short time I had read a lot about the stock market and felt ready to invest. At that time I had already identified that the buy & hold strategy was inefficient in the long term, or safe in the short and medium term (which I confirmed in the article “How much you actually win with Buy&Hold”[1]). Because I was new, excited, incipient, and incipient, I bought options. I had fun with it, I gained more than I lost but I needed to get my life back. I started using bullish and bearish locks in 2003. In this way, I was able to “circumvent” the Bovespa restriction of not being able to trade short. It was a delight. I got positive, paid tax and got sad afterwards. I couldn't keep up with every move and needed the value of the stocks I sold short in my portfolio, which limited my leverage. I wanted to use my IT expertise to automate my strategies and consume less of my time.
In 2008, I was invited to give a talk on financial planning and Forex. Forex was a subject that was kind of banned from the forums I participated in and I became interested in the subject. I signed up for a later course and finally had access to Metatrader and Forex. There was the possibility of programming my strategies and operating automatically.
During the course, in 2009, the speaker mentioned Melão's name a few times as a reference in backtests and strategy. Surely, hearing Melão's name in that course was worth every penny invested.
I spent a few months just reading and researching articles on Sygma Society, getting to know more about Melão through its participation in forums and Orkut. For those who are in Exact Sciences and passionate about Science, it was surprising and gratifying to finally find someone so committed to Truth, Scientific Methodology, technique and results.
I analyzed the most promising strategies in the light of Scientific Methodology and using backtests and concluded that I would need years of exclusive dedication and study to be able to internalize all that knowledge and put something advantageous into practice. I needed to participate in this project somehow. I knew that I was facing something fantastic, dense, complex and of great value. And this time, unlike the others, I was convinced in a rational, technical and scientific way. It wasn't excitement, emotion. It wasn't buying a product with an obscure strategy with managers I didn't know. It wasn't to depend on human managers susceptible to mood swings, pressure from the employer, from companies, stress. The audacious project I was facing was – nothing more, nothing less – a modeling of the financial market in order to predict its steps with above-average technical accuracy.
According to the research I've done, there is no affordable product that brings together such technical-scientific-methodological rigor as the Saturno V, in addition to an enviable performance. In the same way that I have not yet met a person more intellectually capable than Melão, a genius in the literal sense of the word, who uses his robust knowledge in Logic, Statistics, Heuristics, Physics, Artificial Intelligence and many other areas of knowledge to constantly improve this masterpiece that analyzes the financial market and generates homogeneous profits over more than a century. Melão is still very kind and always willing to clarify with his knowledge from the most common subjects to conjunctural and universal analyses. To talk and read what he produces is to see an infinity of details unfolding didactically in each sentence. Nothing of such a high level is produced in the Brazilian academic environment today compared with your articles and with Saturno V. Today, I can say with satisfaction that in addition to your partner I am your friend.
Despite the numerous external technical and bureaucratic difficulties caused by brokers, banks, operating bridges and others, the profitability, the homogeneity of results and the technical support speak for themselves.
My oldest operating account, opened on March 30, 2011, has an average monthly return of 2.96% as of May 29, 2015 (it was stopped for about 9 months). From March 2011 to May 2015 the profit was +230.82% (+533.06% in reais). The dollarized Ibovespa was down -59.45% in the period (-22.41% Ibov in reais). One of the best funds in Brazil, Sparta Cíclico, delivered -33.97% in dollars in the period (+26.35% in reais)."
Per Guilherme Luís S. da Silva , analyst at the Federal Public Ministry / IT area / systems development. Bachelor in Information Systems and MBA in Information Technology Management in Public Administration. Partner of Saturn V since 2011.
“A little over a month ago we closed another year of operation of the SaturnoV in my account. Thanks again.”
Per André Gâmbaro , SP, mathematician from Unicamp, senior consultant at Ernst & Young and one of Saturno's oldest partners (since 2009).
“First of all, you deserve congratulations for the work you've been doing. Nice validation work, exhaustive testing and analysis, I've never seen anything like it. I do control and automation engineering and I guarantee that the level of work that I have seen at my college (Unicamp) is practically a joke compared to what you have published in the articles. More than the chance to make money, seeing the articles gave me a tremendous desire to study statistics. I've been studying the statsoft textbook hard, it's infinitely superior to the book I used in my college basic statistics course. College had managed to kill my desire to study exact sciences and I had only been studying what had no direct relationship with it, such as literature and poetry. Thanks to you, I revived the love for mathematics I had when I studied Euclidean geometry on my own.” (fragment of message received via email)
By Thiago Pereira Meirelles, SP, student of Automation Engineering at Unicamp.
Intelligence, IQ Tests, Cognitive Science and Creativity
What prominent intellectuals say about the Sigma Test?
“I really like the Sigma Test because I believe that many questions need both intelligence and imagination to solve them.”
Comment sent by Petri Widsten, from Finland, is Regent of Unicorn High IQ Society (IQ>180), member of Sigma Society VI (IQ above 196), Pi Society (IQ>176), ISI-S (IQ>151), Glia Society (IQ>150) and Mensa-Finland (IQ>132). Petri is holder a Ph.D. Summa Cum Laudein Chemistry (Helsinki University of Technology) and win the prize 2003-2004 of the best Ph.D. thesis in Finland. He speaks fluently more than 10 languages, champion and runner-up on several competitions on Logic, IQ, Puzzles, Mind Contests etc., including World IQ Challenge http://www.worldiqchallenge.com/rankings.html above famous IQ-land members, like Rick Rosner (top-10 in the wordl IQ in several lists), Dany Provost (Giga Society member, top-6 in the world), Tor Arne Jørgensen (IQ above 190), José González Molinero (IQ above 190) etc., "Mensa International Contest 2001", X-Test Contest, "Smartest Person of the World Contest" etc. More about Petri . See also his comment on the new norm of the Sigma Test here .
By Albert FRANK
(this article is published in ComMonsal, Papyrus and Gift of Fire)
In 1999, tragic emptiness appeared in the world of the "great" tests : For various reasons, the Mega, the Titan, The Power, The TFG shorts form of Cooijmans stopped being valid as tests of qualification, and the numerical section of the TFG long form has been suppressed.
This emptiness has just been heapped : Hindemburg Melao Jr., founder of the Sigma Society (index.html) has created the "Sigma Test", after a long and serious work, both in the realization of the test that in the establishment of norms . The test is available since September 2001.
Who is Hindemburg Melao Jr., the founder of the Sigma Society? Born in Sao Paulo (Brazil) on January 15th 1972, he is a personality known in the world of chess. Melao has two world records in chess:
- The longest announced checkmate in a simultaneous blindfold chess game, Sao Paulo, 1997 (mate in 12 moves, playing on 9 boards). This record is registered in the Guinness Book of Records, Brazilian Edition, 1998, pages 110 - 111.
- The longest announced checkmate in a correspondence chess game: mate in 36 moves, in Special Class Tournament CXEB, published in Pi Society Journal - 05/00.
He has written many relevant articles in the following fields: Mathematics, Physics, Astronomy, Psychology (problems concerning gifted children), and Research about the standardization of IQ tests.
The Sigma Test : This test consists of 36 questions. These, weighted in ten levels of difficulties, are, above all, completely varied.
What is particularly remarkable in this test?
- The increasing difficulty of the questions, that goes progressively from direct reasoning problems to questions needing a high power of reasoning using lateral (or divergent) thinking.
- The questions concern a lot of various topics.
- Very little preliminary knowledge seems to be required.
- The standardization, obviously a result of a long and serious work, is very clearly presented at the end of the test.
- The weighted of the questions. It is practically the first time that, in a test, the "difficult" questions have a weight that seems proportional to the work and to the level of reasoning needed to solve them.
The world of tests must thank Hindemburg Melao Jr. for having given him this test !
Comment sent by Albert Fank, from Belgium. Albert is international referee by specialized magazines, Professor of Logic and Mathematics at University of Brussels and passed many years in Africa, teaching Chess and Mathematics. He was national champion of Chess in several countries and holds several titles of "National Chessmaster", National Champion of Chess of Veterans in Belgium. He was also Chess Champion of Brussels, author of significant international contests of puzzles, author of pedagogical works recognized internationally (including the book "Chess and aptitude", published by the US Chess Federation). Albert is pilot and flying instructor, he is founder of Ludomind, an international society for authors of difficult, beautiful and original puzzles. Albert is Honorary Member of Pars Society, member of Sigma V, Platinum Society and member of several other high IQ societies. More about Albert . See also his comment on the new norm of the Sigma Test here .
"The SIGMA test was one of the most interesting things I have done in the realm of puzzles because the later questions were so clever and had so many different levels of solution. I finished the test as a personal challenge, and it gave me great satisfaction . Some of the SIGMA test puzzles are REALLY beautiful. They are a work of art!"
Comment sent by Peter David Bentley, from Hong Kong, is a member of Sigma Society V (IQ above 180), Post-doctoral in low temperature/high vacuum Physics - Dept of Engineering Science - Oxford University, Ph.D. in low temperature/high vacuum Physics - Dept of Engineering Science - Oxford University, Managing Director of INFICON Ltd (China). Peter is also Honorary Member of the World Association for Highly Intelligent People, member of Mensa-UK, was Manager of Division of “Hong Kong Productivity Council”, General Director of “VG Instruments Asia Ltd.”, General Manager of "Leybold China Ltd. " and of "Balzers and Leybold China Ltd.", Director of Projects and Manager of Sales of “Edwards High Vacuum, UK”. Peter is a world authority in puzzles, co-founder of Ludomind, author of many hard and original puzzles and quizzes, he is holder of the second highest score in Sigma Test, perfected the solution 32 of the Sigma Test and proposed a very interesting ideas on questions 29 of the Sigma Test and 4 of the Sigma Test VI.
(English Version) Dear Mr. Melon:
I found some interesting IQ test in Internet. However I have realized many of them are heavily culturally dependent. For instance, Dr. Hoefflin Power Test has rather interesting and difficult problems, however too many of them abuse the mathematical abilities of the tester. The same problem has the test of Haselbauger and some others. I don't mean they call for a Ph. degree in Mathematics, but it is clear than people with a strong mathematics background would get better scores than other people. Some others as Titan Ultra and Mega use verbal analogies which are not only heavily culturally dependent, also English speakers would get advantage from that.
The first time I saw the Sigma Test, I have to recognize that I didn't like it as much as the Power Test or similar ones. Some ingenious problems of the second half seemed too arbitrary and without scientific interest for psychometry, as they didn't have a unique solution and that makes me think they had a lack of objectivity. After answer questions 1 to 25 I found the others very vague. Even mathematical questions as the 31 which requires: first to figure out the theoretical model that the question is calling for and only them go for the second step: mathematically work it out. I haven't found even one of those in Dr. Hoefflin tests, those questions can be answered by going directly to the second step.
Sigma test requires strong convergent and divergent (lateral) thinking. Only a creative and deductive mind could get a high score in that test. If one test can tell a universal genius from another person who is only good at mathematics or verbal quizzes is the Sigma Test. Even a person without a mathematical knowledge, non-native of the language of the test (no verbal analogies) could via questions 34, 35 and 36 get a very high score.
The scoring system is also new, and I am not only talking about the different weight of the questions, also as the tester has to explain the way he got the answer, eventually corrects answers the tester has gotten in a wrong way can be detected, so the IQ scores will not be dependent on the luck of the tester.
I agree with the creator of Sigma Test, the high IQ levels are more likely to be measured on intellectual production basis rather than using a test, however if any test can approximate better this is Mr. Hindemburg Melao Jr Sigma Test. We everybody thanks to Mr. Melao his contribution to the psychometry.
Luis Lara.
(Version Espanola) Dear Mr. Melon:
On the Internet you have found some very interesting IQ tests. But I have been given an account that many of them are very dependent on the cultural level of the individual. For example, the Power Test of Doctor Hoefflin, contains some very interesting problems, however, I believe that it abuses the mathematical skills of the person who takes them. Y lo mismo le pasa a los de Haselbauer y otros más. Some such as Titan, Mega and Ultra contain analogy exercises that are very culturally dependent and that, in addition, would be easier, obviously, for English speakers. When I came across the Sigma Test, I have to recognize that I didn't like the Power Test as much. And some of the ingenuity problems of the second mitad seemed to me to be very arbitrary and without interest, but it seemed that there was no single solution that lacked the objectivity that must be had an IQ test. After answering the questions from 1 to 25 the other ones seemed to me to be very vague. It's been a while and I've been giving an account that the Sigma Test is probably the best test I've ever seen. The Sigma Test, in addition to deductive skills, deals with divergent thinking and creativity, as the Power Test could never have done. The answers to Sigma's latest problems are not always unique, although there is one that is the best of them all. I believe that if a test could distinguish between a creative genius like Leonardo da Vinci and a person who simply has a good mathematical capacity and would be the Sigma Test. In addition, unlike many other tests, people without mathematical knowledge can obtain IQ scores very high ya that the questions 26-30, 33-36 do not require mathematical knowledge but if a high, high IQ to correctly answer las 35, 36.
The scoring system is also novel, it allows partial scoring of a test for partially correct answers, which other tests do not allow. In addition, the new standard gives us better ideas about the IQ of the test.
The idea that the true IQ of the test is, especially for the highest values of the IQ, is seen better in the intellectual production of the person but that in an IQ test seems to me to be truly correct. That's why we say that the members of Mega are not as smart as an average Nobel Prize in Science. Although I believe that the Sigma Test is closer, I can reflect more exactly, the mental performance of someone in the professional life of what they can do with the Hoefflin test and others. This is due to the fact that Sigma's questions do not require a single type of thought with several, in addition, they are based on concrete situations that only seem real. I congratulate you for your contribution to psychometry.
Luis Lara.
Comments submitted by Luis Lara Dolado from Spain. Member of Sigma IV, very talented for Physics and Mathematics. He won a scholarship to study in China (Beijing) and graduated in Modern Chinese (katagana? hiragana?). Luis is also a pilot and flight instructor.
"(...) A beautiful example of a test with no time limit, with a ceiling evaluated in 244 (sd16-p-IQ) is the Sigma Teste, developed by Hindemburg Melão Jr.
This test is a challenge that everyone should try, because when you finish it, you will surely see that your notions of logic, language and ability to face problems are much better than when you started."
Fragment extracted from a article by Guilherme Marques dos Santos Silva, from Brazil. Member of Sigma V (IQ>180), Platinum (IQ>164), Ludomind (IQ>~160), Colloquy (IQ>141), Mensa (IQ>133) and Sigma (IQ>132). Guilherme has the 4th. highest score on Sigma Test by the new standard was 5th. placed in the entrance exam for Engineering at UFPR and 3rd. at PUC-PR. Guilherme is a civil engineer and teaches Mathematics, he is the author of an innovative algorithm to optimize land vehicle traffic, which will be used in the Netherlands. More about Guillermo: http://www.gui.pro.br/
Thought tests and puzzles always have amused me, this is the first IQ-test I have bothered to send in for scoring. I found myself increasingly absorbed by the intellectual art behind the questions in this test. Together with achievement, I rank creativity on top of the scale, which you elegantly have combined with divergent / convergent thinking. Thank you for creating a great test. I now look forward to taking the Sigma Test VI! Provided my scores are sufficient, I intend to apply for membership in the Sigma Society.
Comment sent by Ulf Westerlund, from Sweden. Member of Sigma IV, Ph.D. in Neuroscience, MD specialist in Neurosurgery, member of AANS (American Association of Neurological Surgeons) and EANS (European Association of Neurological Surgeons).
"I would like to take the Sigma Test. (Which I believe has the best end excellent questions.)"
Comment sent by Emrehan Halici, from Turkey, born in 1956, Electr. Engineer (BS, MS), Founder and owner of the Halici Informatics and Software Group of Companies, President of Turkish Intelligence Foundation (1995-...), Vice President of FIDE - Fédération Internationale Des Échecs (1998-2002), President of Turkish Chess Federation (1991-1999), Member of The Turkish Parliament (1999-2002), Member of MENSA. More about Emrehan
"I'm really enjoying the SIGMA test. I've already printed it out and started answering your questions. Allow me to congratulate you on your test. In fact, it's incomparably better than the IQ tests I've taken."
Comment sent by Renato P. dos Santos, from Brazil, is a Post-Doctorate in Artificial Intelligence applications to scientific calculation in Physics (Institut für Algorithmen und Kognitive Systeme, Karlsruhe, Germany, in 1989 and Research Institute for Symbolic Computation, Linz, Austria , in 1990). PhD in Physics from the Brazilian Center for Physics Research, in 1987, with a thesis on effective potential in chiral supersymmetric models. Master's degree from IFT, with thesis on classical aspects of Dirac's magnetic monopole. More about Renato . See also this article by Renato Santos about high IQ societies: http://www.reniza.com/matematica/novidades/0212.htm#Article
"After the excellent experience with the Sigma Test, which I liked very much as the beauty and elegance of the questions brought a great intellectual challenge and excitement, I want to apply for membership in Sigma Society, Sigma III."
Comment sent by Reinhard Matuschka, from Germany, is a member of.Sigma Society IV (IQ>164) and Mensa (IQ>133). Reinhard is Master of Computer Science, Master of Economics and Master of Business Administration.
This message was published on the forum of International High IQ Society (currently "International High IQ Society") on 7/31/2001
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Posted by FatalX (David Spencer) on 13:51:12 7/31/2001 from
The Sigma Society---Creative Fusion1
I've just translated the Sigma Society Test -- which claims to test up to IQ 202, by levels (sigma) -- into English. Though I am uncertain about the scale, (I don't believe it could differentiate any higher than the 180-190+ level) the test itself is almost a relief.
The problems are almost Pascal-like and highly creative. The test begins with basic Mensa/WAIS/Binet questions, which progressively turn into more interesting problems like correcting a false conclusion about Fermat's Theorem deriving from the Pythagorean, measuring lung capacity within a $ budget, approach diameters for a planet (from a parachute POV ), weighing the Graphite on a piece of paper, developing methods for estimating a stranger's vocabulary, getting out of a cannibalistic situation by picking eggs and constructing a Sphere of Invisibility.
Now I may be mistaken, but these seem much closer to the problems for which Vinci and Pascal are famous.
Creative and Logical, with a high degree of unconventional thought required. I hear it's decently normed, too --
Email me if you want a copy of the translation.
Comment posted by David Spencer (FatalX), from USA, is one of the most outstanding members of the International High IQ Society. He is recognized in the community of high IQ for his high creativity and his perspicacious comments
Dear Christian, I lost your comments. :-( Please, send it again. Thank you! Melao
Comment sent by Christian Hohenstein, from Germany, Ph.D., member of Sigma IV (IQ>164) and High Potentials Society (IQ>133)
"This Sigma test is beautiful. I have never seen anything like this before. It is not an ordinary IQ test but a masterpiece in the art of testing a human's ability to solve the indissoluble. Wonderful Melao:)"
Comment sent by Muhamed Veletanlic, form Sweden, member of Platinum (IQ>164), Sigma IV (IQ>164), ISI-S (IQ>151), Glia (IQ>150), Cerebrals (IQ>144), Poetic Genius Society (IQ>141), Existentia (IQ>137), High Potentials Society (IQ>133), VINCI (IQ>126), International High IQ Society (IQ>126), Order of Imhotep. M.Sc. in Electrical Engineering.
"The Sigma Test is undoubtedly the hardest intelligence test that I've encountered so far. I've enjoyed it a lot though as it is comprised of ingenious questions that could measure the depth of reasoning of one's mathematical and logical abilities."
Comment sent by Nileon M. Dimalaluan Jr., from Philippines, member of ISI-S (IQ>151), CIVIQ Society (IQ>150), International Society for Philosophical Inquiry (IQ>150), Cerebrals (IQ>144), Sigma Society (IQ>133), High Potentials Society (IQ>133), VINCI (IQ>126) and International High IQ Society (IQ>126). He has a very high score in W-87 and very high scores in N-VCPE-R, X-Test, IHIQS Ultimate Test and SLSE-Form I.
"I also want to say to you that the Sigma Test is incredibly brilliant. It was by far the best test I have ever taken and enjoyed it very much."
Comment sent by Dylan Taylor, from USA. He is MD and works with financial consultancy, has excellent scores on SAT and other tests, highest score on the Portuguese version of the Giant Test given by the High Potentials Society. Dylan is a member of ISI-S (IQ>151), CIVIQ Society (IQ>150), Glia Society (IQ>150), Sigma III (IQ>148), Cerebrals (IQ>144), Poetic Genius Society (IQ> 141), Existentia (IQ>137), High Potentials Society (IQ>133), Mensa (IQ>133), Mysterium Society (IQ>132), VINCI (IQ>126).
"I must say I thoroughly enjoyed this test. It was incredibly challenging and it has pushed my abilities to their outer limits." (...) "I have put more effort into this test than any other, and have even lost a few hours of sleep mulling over some of the toughest questions. My favorite question was #32. I am looking for this test to give me a good indication of what my true capabilities are. I believe I can go beyond Mensa and qualify for Sigma III, or perhaps even higher. Please accept this exam as my best effort, as much time and work have gone into it. Thank you !"
Comment sent by Wade Graydon Penman, from Canada, member of Sigma IV (IQ>164), former member of Mensa (IQ>133).
"I am very pleased with the result esp. because it is a good result on without a doubt the best test to be found on the web." (...) "It was for me a true pleasure to take it, as it was both challenging and fun. The Sigma Test is simply a beatiful test"
Comment sent by Bart Lindekens, from Belgium, member of Sigma V (IQ>180), Platinum (IQ>164), Ludomind (IQ> ~160), ISI-S (IQ>151). He works as a risk manager (bank). He has one of the highest scores on the Sigma Test (3rd place in the old norm).
"Thank you for a fascinating, thrilling and a very challenging test! I will recommended it to friends and who might be interested in this kind of challenge. My next mission colleagues will be Sigma Test VI."
Comment sent by Kristian Heide, from Norway, excellent score on Titan and other tests, member of Sigma Society IV (IQ>164), One-in-a-Thousand Society (IQ>150), Mensa-Norway (IQ>133) , Ph.D. Student and M.Sc. in Astrophysics, previous national record holder in egg throwing (1992-96). About this record, Kristian comment: "I guess that gave me an advantage on problem no. 34 on The Sigma Test ;-)." He is creator of an innovative system for sporting ranking, creator of a new method for ranking of Think Fast. See also his comment on the new norm of the Sigma Test here .
"I've been having a look over The Sigma Test (which is a much respected test) and have decided I will have a go at it this year. Everyone in IQ land should try this test, I think!"
Comment sent by Michael Dempsey, from United Kingdom, member of Platinum (IQ>164), ISI-S (IQ>151), Glia (IQ>150), CIVIQ (IQ>150), Sigma III (IQ>148), Mensa (IQ>133), Mysterium (IQ>132)) and International High IQ Society (IQ>126). Michael is Honors degree B.Sc. in Chemical Analysis.
"I am a recent member of the Sigma Society. I have just seen the correlations between the sigma test and other tests published on the organization's page. in depth about speed, that multiple choice questions give rise to 'accidental' answers, etc."
Comment sent by Emilio López Aliaga, from Spain, is a member of Sigma Society IV, of Mensa and programmer of Copo Thierry, SA
"I am currently working on your excellent Sigma Test. I am enjoying it very much."
Comment sent by Kaj Forsell Bio (Kaj by Kaj):
Born in Helsinki, Finland, 48 years ago, I have spent the last 25 years living in Sweden, Norway, UK, USA and Japan. I have a Business Degree from Stockholm University.
Career sofar: I like variation so I have covered many areas in the business world starting out as a public accountant and moving to financial management positions in a variety of industries, from finance to powergeneration and mobile phones. Currently I am President of a Software development and sales company in Japan.
I also enjoy different cultures which is why I have chosen to live in many different countries.
Hobbies and interests include food and drink, music (listening and playing the guitar), current affairs, surfing on the net and knowledge in general. I also have an aspiring interest in chess. When I have time and want to be outdoors I like to play golf. If you like challenging sports, this is it. The late Sir Winston Churchill already said that it's an impossible game with impossible tools. He might not have been the gratest athlete, but there's something to what he says.
"I enjoyed very much working on this test, it was fun."
Comment sent by Staffan A. Svensson, from Sweden, is a member of Sigma Society V (IQ>180), Prometheus (IQ>164), Ultranet (IQ>164) and Mensa (IQ>132), he has excellent score on several tests and highest score on the LS-36.
From Stephen Reejis (United States, Boston University, member of the Cerebrals Society):
Thanks for the detailed statistical information pointers. Rarely does one get in these or even non-statistical but scientific circles the breadth of coverage you have touched upon. But frequently "scientists" make all sorts of inferential statistical slippages, although what everyone remembers is only the "punchline" of their papers. This is very useful exposure, and I will try to delve into many of the areas you have brought up.
A few of the links don't work though. The other links are very good.
And since you are here, although I have not submitted the original Sigma test (not that much money), I must say that it is a completely beautiful excercise. I really appreciate the degree of thought that goes into the items and it has given me a lot of pleasure to think about some of the items (I particularly like the one about the boiled/unboiled eggs with the cannibals) and a few others at that level (although the hardest ones have me perfectly stumped). I have two silver math IMO friend and an applied math major friend and in my mind, the quality of their general thought and ability is amazing (I am a strong believer that mathamatic ability is the strongest marker for intellect, very beautifully tested in IMO- style questions). Your test combines creativity and brings a tangibility to exactly what is the complexity involved in an item of high difficulty, and makes the item accessible to the non-specialist (contrast with IMO questions, which require at least a basic understanding of some areas). Congratulations to you for it
“Hindemburg has relevant contributions to science and investment. His contribution covers topics as diverse as intelligence, measurement theory, astronomy and psychometry. I read more than 300 technical articles with exceptionally high level content available on their web pages (all of them very well-founded and with very rich content). The articles written by Melão are one of the few references in Portuguese on quantitative trading, backtesting, editing historical series, etc. Furthermore, it is worth mentioning that many developers of automatic systems and managers of foreign funds are already entries on Wikipedia (James Simons, Robert Pardo, Ed Seykota, William Eckhardt). Therefore, along the lines of the English Wiki, it makes sense that the Portuguese Wikipedia has entries on Lusophone automatic investment system developers. Melão's technical innovations are, for example, much more interesting than Robert Pardo's walk-forward optimization. Melão is a skilled chess player recognized nationally and internationally. He is also one of the Brazilians whose work has received the most awards abroad (there are few investment funds operated by algorithms written by Brazilians that achieve international awards). See, for example, the IASG and Barclays awards. For all these reasons, I consider this work important so that more people can get to know and be interested in Melão's work, which is extremely technical and precise in the topics it addresses.”
Marcus Paulo da Silva Cardoso , DF, lawyer, worked at the Federal Audit Court and currently works at the Federal Senate.
Intelligence, IQ Tests, Cognitive Science and Creativity
“Hi, my name is Veronica Palladino. I admire your professional skills and your incredible intelligence. I would like to join to sigma iq society. Can you help me please? I send my cv and my waits score. I am member of ispe, mensa oaths, tops and other iq societies.”
Dr. Veronica Palladino , co-champion in UltimaIQ's LexIQ contest http://www.ultimaiq.net/lexiqlist.htm , member in 6N High IQ Society and other high IQ societies at the 99.9999% percentile (IQ over 176) .
“I must say that I was strongly impressed as well as honored by their achievements in several important fields. What is written about you, and referred to by very notable intellectuals, is nothing short of impressive. I feel like I'm falling short of what you've achieved, in terms of world records and recognitions, articles, founder of Sigma Society and many other things, absolutely fantastic, this was fun to read. It will be very exciting to get to know you better in the future, I hope we can have many exciting conversations in various fields of interest in the future!! Thanks again for contacting me and inviting me to join Immortal Society. There are some questions that would be interesting to answer, I hope I can discuss some concepts with you!”
Tor Arne Jørgensen , “Genius of The Year Award 2019 – Europe”, “Honorary Member in NOUS200 High IQ Society” and several other of the most exclusive high IQ societies in the world, with scores over 196.
“Very cool to have discovered this new project of yours, Melão. I'm really enjoying it and plan to talk to friends about it. Success!”
Carlos de Alcântara, South American record holder for the Rubik's Cube (magic cube) in the “less moves resolution” modality.
“I have been following your work for several years. There is nothing like the "oracle" section in Brazil. Your answers are insanely good. Sometimes very technical and extensive, adapting the language a little, so that they are more accessible, I believe the audience will be larger. Come back with the videos, Hindemburg. Brazil needs intellectuals like you. Hug.”
Estéfano José da Cruz, Literature student
“Hello Melon. First of all, fantastic video! I find the subject very interesting, I would love to hear more about cognition and psychometry!
There are two questions I would like to ask:
1. Is it possible to estimate the IQ (or, more directly, memory rarity) of someone who can successfully play a simultaneous blindfold (even against Rating 1000 amateurs, say) from 2 boards? And 3? Is it possible to guess a "formula" for n boards (even if it is with n ranging between 2 and 10, only)?
2. What do you think of the sites (http://www.nicologic.fr/) and (http://www.folj.com/puzzles/difficult-logic-problems.htm)? I mean, most of the free tests on the first site could be considered good IQ tests in the range, say, between 80 and 145? And could the logic puzzles from the second site be part of a good Hard Test for IQs ranging from 90 to 160?
Thank you very much! I hope you keep uploading videos!”
Andre Luiz
“Hola Melão, thanks for giving us this space to learn a little more about different topics. As always approached from a scientific point of view, with great intellectual depth it is also very easy to understand for most of the public. I get undressed with questions and a suggestion: what should be the ELO of a chess player who never made a mistake? extrapolate?, what would the ELO of Caissa be? As a suggestion, I believe that the videos could be separated into sub-theme packages with time extensions of approx. 15 min to 20 min. Greetings! Joseph.”
Jose Jaime Sierra Molina, civil engineer
“Show melon! I don't have any constructive comments to make but at least I can say that I really enjoyed the video. Hug! PS: Audio is mono.”
Philipe Oliveira, computer scientist and partner at Apollo
“Very interesting (about the IMCH book), as it is very common in the medical field for tradition to be rooted in questionable evidence, and few have the curiosity (and even the ability) to revisit concepts. I would say this is an error of scalable proportions. Congratulations."
Luis Claudio Lemos Correia, Ph.D. and postdoctoral fellow in Medicine, editor of the journal “Journal of Evidence-based Healthcare”
Report in the magazine of Empiricus, one of the magazines of the highest technical level in the area of Investments and Finance:
Some comments about Hindemburg Melão Jr. on Quora: