Segment percentile(*) cut z-score
Sigma VII 99.99999999987% pIQ>212 +7σ
Sigma VI 99.9999999% pIQ>196 +6σ
Sigma V 99.99997% pIQ>180 +5σ
Sigma IV 99,997% pIQ>164 +4σ
Sigma III 99.87% pIQ>148 +3σ
Sigma Society 97.7% pIQ>132 +2σ
Subscriber free free
(*) The percentiles given in high IQ societies are theoretical, based on the assumption that IQs are normally distributed. This assumption is incorrect. Learn more about this and find out the correct percentiles by clicking here .

This segment is an alternative for those who prefer not to take our tests or prefer to take them without haste.
To become a subscriber, fill out this form and click the "send" button.
The subscriber has access to all material, can read and post in open groups and can read in closed groups. The only restriction is on posting to closed groups. After reviews of published articles, some subscribers may be invited to become full members. Important: You don't need to be a subscriber to join open groups.
Sigma II member, cut-off: 97.7%, IQ>132, +2σ
The parameter assumed as a reference for joining Sigma Society II is to present some consistent evidence of having intelligence above 98% of the world population. To this end, we developed a series of criteria linked to different artistic, scientific and cultural activities.
A - Tests without time limit:
1 - Sigma Test, Sigma Associations Test and Sigma Analogy Test: 132
2 - Mental Performance Test (Carlos Simões): 132
3 - Eureka Test, G-Test (Nikos Lygeros): 132
4 - Encephalist-R, MAAN or TLAP, N-VCPE-R (Xavier Jouve): 132
5 - Test for Exceptional Intelligence (International High IQ Society): 132
6 - Mega Test (taken before April 24, 1999), Power Test, Titan Test (taken before April 24, 1999), Ultra Test (Ronald Hoeflin): 132
7 - Logima Strictica 36 (Robert Lato): 132
8 - Test of Shock and Awe, Cooijmans Intelligence Test, Daedalus Test, Final Test, Isis Test, Nemesis Test, Space, Time & Hyperspace, Test for Genius (long form), Test to End All Tests (Paul Cooijmans): 132
9 - 9I6 (Laurent Dubois): 132
10 - W-87 (Christopher Harding): 132
11 - Seventh Test (Alexandre Maluf): 132
12 - X-Test (Lloyd King): 132
13 - I - Mensa International Contest: 132 (raw score: 7/20)
13.1 - II - Mensa International Contest (Albert Frank & Philippe Jacqueroux): 132 (raw score: 10/30)
13.2 - International Contest of Logical Sequences (Albert Frank): 132
14 - ISI-S Association Test (Jonathan Wai)
15 - SLSE-I (Jonathan Wai)
B - Supervised Tests:
1 - Sigma Test II: 132
2 - Stanford-Binet IQ test: 132
3 - Wechsler IQ test: 130
4 - Cattell Culture Fair: 148
5 - Verbal Cattell: 148
6 - California Test of Mental Maturity: 132
7 - Raven's Advanced Progressive Matrices Set II (40 min): raw score 28/36. Untimed: raw score of 35/36
8 - GRE (verbal + quantitative): 1249
9 - SAT (taken before April 1, 1995): 1259
10 - Miller Analogies Test: raw score of 66/100
11 - TIG-NV: 132
C - Other scores and performances, academic degrees, etc.:
1 - Special Guests - people consensually recognized as notable by the Sigma Society Deliberative Council.
2 - Chess player with FIDE 2001 rating, CBX 1900 rating, FPX 2100 rating, USCF 2100 rating (1600 for women).
3 - Chess player-Postcard with ICCF 2100 rating (1800 for women).
4 - Doctor or doctoral candidate in Philosophy, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Computer Science, Mechatronics, Astrophysics, Psychology, Medicine, Literature, Administration, Advertising, Journalism.
5 - Doctor summa cum laude in any discipline.
6 - Senior Finalists in the National Mathematics or Physics Olympiad in any country.
7 - Shihan (Rokku-Dan) in Gô or Soroban.
8 - BrainMaster + 2 in Think-Fast.
9 - Members of the Academia Brasileira de Letras (or equivalent societies from other countries).
10 - Student with the best grades in schools with at least 200 students.
10.1 - Student with the best grades in schools with at least 200 students.
11 - 2% better classified in the ITA entrance exam.
11.1 - 2% better classified in the Fuvest entrance exam.
11.2 - 2% better classified in Unicamp entrance exams.
11.3 - 2% better classified in the PUC entrance exam.
11.4 - 2% better classified in entrance exams of federal and state universities. [If you ranked among the top 2% in another entrance exam, please send a link so that we can get to know your university. We will study the possibility of including criteria for private universities.]
11 - Members of one or more of the high IQ societies listed below:
• Cerebral Society
• CIVIQ Society
• Colloquy Society
• Giga Society
• Glia Society
• Grail Society
• HELLIQ Society
• High Potential Society
• International Society for Philosophical Inquiry (ISPE)
• Intertel Society
• IQuadrivium Society
• ISI - Society
• Mega Foundation
• Mega High IQ Girls
• Mega Society
• Message
• Minzar
• OLIMPIQ Society
• One in a Thousand Society (OATH)
• Pars Society
• Pi Society
• Poetic Genius Society
• Prometheus Society
• Top One Percent Society (TOPS)
• Triple Nine Society (TNS)
• Ultranet
• This criterion is obsolete. Sigma has been inactive since 2006. In principle, until the criteria are extensively revised, we will accept members from all high societies with an IQ cut of >132 or above. This criterion is temporary and may be modified at any time without notice. Changing the criteria will have no effect on members who have already passed the criteria.
To complete the admission process, new members need to submit 3 texts of their own. These can be essays, chronicles, short stories, book reviews, etc. Poetry, drawings and songs can also be sent, but in these cases it is necessary to send at least 2 texts (in addition to the amount you want of poetry, drawings and songs). Submit biography with one or more photos. Send resume. Therefore, fill out this form and click the "send" button.
Sigma III member, cut-off theoretical: 99.87%, IQ>148, +3σ
Criteria for admission:
Sigma Test (IQ>148)
Sigma Test VI (IQ>148)
Sigma Associations Test (IQ>148)
Sigma Analogy Test (IQ>148)
Moon Test (IQ>148)
To complete the admission process, new members need to submit 5 texts of their own. These can be essays, chronicles, short stories, book reviews, etc. Poetry, drawings and songs can also be sent, but in these cases it is necessary to send at least 4 texts (in addition to the amount you want of poetry, drawings and songs). Submit biography with one or more photos. Send resume. Therefore, fill out this form and click the "send" button.
Sigma IV member, cut-off theoretical: 99.997%, IQ>164, +4σ
Criteria for admission:
Sigma Test (IQ>164)
Sigma Test VI (IQ>164)
Sigma Associations Test (IQ>164)
Sigma Analogy Test (IQ>164)
moon test (IQ>164)
To complete the admission process, new members need to submit 7 texts of their own. These can be essays, chronicles, short stories, book reviews, etc. Poetry, drawings and songs can also be sent, but in these cases it is necessary to send at least 4 texts (in addition to the amount you want of poetry, drawings and songs). Submit biography with one or more photos. Send resume. Therefore, fill out this form and click the "send" button.
Sigma V member, cut-off theoretical: 99.99997%, IQ>180, +5σ
Criteria for admission:
Sigma Test (IQ>180)
Sigma Test VI (IQ>180)
Sigma Associations Test (IQ>180)
Sigma Analogy Test (IQ>180)
moon test (IQ>180)
To complete the admission process, new members need to submit 10 texts of their own. These can be essays, chronicles, short stories, book reviews, etc. Poetry, drawings and songs can also be sent, but in these cases it is necessary to send at least 4 texts (in addition to the amount you want of poetry, drawings and songs). Submit biography with one or more photos. Send resume. Therefore, fill out this form and click the "send" button.
Sigma VI member, cut-off theoretical: 99.9999999%, IQ>196, +6σ
Criteria for admission:
Sigma Test VI: IQ>196
Sigma Test: IQ>196
moon test (IQ>196)
Sigma VII member, cut-off theoretical: 99.99999999987%, IQ>212, +7σ
Criteria for admission:
Sigma Test VI: IQ>212
Sigma Test Extended: IQ>212
Fields Medal
Abel Prize
Clay Award
Notable intellectual creations (works awarded with the Nobel Prize in Physics, Turing Prize, etc.) can be submitted for evaluation. The work must be original, it must involve solving a complex, difficult problem that a large number of other intelligent people have been working on for over 10 years trying to solve.